Precise, radiation-free spinal assessment
Identifies the basis for individualised treatment and research.
A Review of the M360 Spinal Mouse Research Literature
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diagnosis and assessment
therapy monitoring
Two versions of the Idiag M360 - for every requirement
IDIAG M360pro
- Therapy and exercise rehabilitation recommemdations
- Exercises are built-in to select/export for patients
- Expert case management based on assessable data
- In-depth data analysis (Expert Mode)
- Segmental vertebral angles examined and reported
- Research
- Rehabilitation
- Medical and surgical pre-post screening
- Physiotherpy, Chiropractic and Osteopathy clinics
- University Education
IDIAG M360 checkup
- Built-in check-ups (Idiag Spine Check)
- Simplified data analysis (Idiag Spine Score)
- Built-in exercises
- Regional angular analysis (not segmental)
- Fitness centers
- Corporate Health Management
Using the Idiag M360 in my clinic, I have the ability to instantly record and automatically report a very comprehensive, detailed spinal postural and active range-of-motion examination. The spine’s complex structure and function, particularly the difficulty in separating motion between regions and segmental levels, influenced my choice for this advanced goniometric system.
Common problems facing health practitioners include the time required to perform goniometric measurements during spinal examination, or expense and repeated radiation exposure associated with imaging, e.g., during regional spinal dynamic X-ray motion studies, not to mention the time required to interpret and then record those angular findings in to clinical notes. Further time is also required to prepare reports for third parties e.g. referring doctors, specialists, coaches, trainers, physical therapists, or insurance companies.
The Idiag M360’s ease of use, speed and accuracy compared with other measurement instruments such as dynamic x-ray, tape measures, universal goniometers and inclinometers makes it a stand-out.
Another decisive factor in investing in M360 for my clinic, was feeling confident with a large base of published research on the reliability and validity of Idiag M360/Spinal Mouse/Medi-Mouse, particularly compared with gold-standard X-ray.
Along with the ease now of being able to compare a patient’s spinal mobility and postural improvement over time with advice, treatment and exercise, the Idiag M360 is an invaluable teaching tool in real-time. Patients can easily visualize spinal areas of clinical interest, with built-in normative values to compare against their recorded results, and I can simply export the built-in exercise suggestions.
The impressive Idiag M360 reports have certainly led to increased referrals from medical professionals, sports coaches, and patients themselves.
I am grateful for the professional support from the Idiag team helping me to set this system up in my clinic."
Idiag M360 - The future in spinal assessment - IN DETAIL
An intelligent recursive algorithm computes information concerning the relative position of the vertebral bodies of the thoracic and lumbar spine, while taking into account the local curvature (kyphotic or lordotic). Accurate spinal segmental motion of all vertebral bodies is obtained as the final result. Segmental hypo- and hyper-mobility and even instability can be determined, with Matthias' Test built in to the software.
Accurate assessment is the key to successful spinal treatment
An example of spinal assessment results
Instantly generate detailed patient spinal alignment and mobility reports
Just some of the clinical information or data include:- Posture (sagittal and frontal shape of the spine) - Sagittal and frontal curvature of thoracic and lumbar spine- Angle of inclination relative to the perpendicular- Segmental kyphotic/lordotic angles - Pelvic tilt - Total back length
Mobility, range of motion (ROM)- ROM of the thoracic and lumbar spine- Segmental mobility for all segments starting from T1/2 to L5/S1- Inclination (total ROM)- Flexion and extension mobility of hip joints
Postural competence (stability of the trunk)- Postural reaction when loaded in functional tests (Matthiass test)
Furthermore, the Idiag M360 software provides the physician with indications for spinal dysfunctional posture or mobility.
Indications for non-harmonic curvature (posture)- Angle differences of kyphotic or lordotic relation from one segment to the next of > 7°- Assessment of segment integrity- Kyphosis instead of lordosis in the lumbar spine in upright position (“+” instead of “-” values)- Lordosis instead of kyphosis in the thoracic spine in upright position (“-” instead of “+” values) - Lordotic segments in flexed position- Kyphotic segments in the lumbar spine in extended position
Indications for non-harmonic mobility (ROM)- Differences in motion from one segment to the next of > 7°- Dorsal motion of segments when moving from upright to flexed position - Segmental ROM values of +1°, 0° or -1° (segmental hypomobility)- 0° of ROM of subsequent segments (regional hypomobility)- 0° of ROM of one segment in both flexion and extension (rigid segment)
From the superficial shape, an intelligent recursive algorithm computes information concerning the relative position of the vertebral bodies of the thoracic and lumbar spine, while taking into account the local curvature (kyphotic or lordotic). The final result is an accurate segmental localization of all vertebral bodies as the projection of their midpoints on the superficial contour of the back.
A Livanelioglu, F Kaya, V Nabiyev, G Demirkiran, T FıratThe validity and reliability of "Spinal Mouse" assessment of spinal curvatures in the frontal plane in pediatric adolescent idiopathic thoraco-lumbar curvesDepartment of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara, TurkeyEur Spine J, [Epub ahead of print] Apr 22, 2015